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What If The Secret To A Stress-Free Life Has Been Right Under Your Nose?

How We Generate 100-200 Group Members Per Day & Convert Them Into 40-60 High Ticket Clients Each Month...


...Using Our Million Dollar Group Method!

Embrace Your Journey to a

Stress-Free Life

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What Is 'How Hawaiians Are Happy'? 

'How Hawaiians Are Happy,' masterfully crafted by Jake Keen, is your blueprint for creating a life of tranquility and joy, even in the midst of life's inevitable challenges. This book is not about converting you into a Hawaiian, but rather gleaning from their valuable approach to managing stress and achieving balance.

In this transformative journey, you'll uncover strategies that are rooted not just in the sunny, serene shores of Hawaii, but also in various global philosophies and practices. The goal? To help you weave these principles into the unique tapestry of your life, creating a personal stress-free sanctuary.

Jake offers a compelling narrative that stands apart from the typical stress-management book. You won't find abstract theories here. Instead, you'll dive into lived experiences and proven techniques that can help shape your unique path towards stress resilience.

What's the end outcome? A life where stress is no longer an unwelcome invader, but a catalyst for personal growth and happiness. A life where you are not only armed with actionable steps to tackle stress but also imbued with a deeper understanding of your emotional landscape.

Get ready to journey towards a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life. Dive into 'How Hawaiians Are Happy,' and let the transformative wisdom of the Pacific guide you towards genuine, lasting change.


251 Page PDF Digital Book

Inside 'How Hawaiians Are Happy' we'll show you how to live the life you deserve.

251 Page Digital eBook

Get ePub and Mobi files so you can read on almost any device you want (Kindle, Nook iPhone, .Android, Books and everything in between).

Audio Book

Complementary audio book so you can take it anywhere. Listen to it in your car, at the gym, on a walk or anywhere you want. 

Daily Stress Management Checklist

This checklist is exactly what you need to start managing the stress in your life.

Order today for only $4.95!

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For a limited time only, you can order 'How Hawaiians Are Happy' book for only $4.95... and get all of the bonuses above included for FREE!

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What Is The Million Dollar Group Method™?

The Million Dollar Group Method™ is our very system for...

At the time of writing these words, that's just over 15 months ago. 

In that time, we've grown our group from zero to over 28,000 members.... and it continues to grow by 100-200 new people each day. It's also one of the most active & engaged groups in our industry. 

Most importantly, it’s profitable. Very profitable. 

Within 90 days of launching our group, we were generating over $100,000 per month in revenue. 

Six months later, we crossed our first million.

Altogether, over the past 15 months, we’ve used a single group to acquire over 500 high ticket coaching clients, equating to more than $4.8 million in revenue.

Here’s what that looks like:

Included With Your Order

The Million Dollar Group Method eBook
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.
The Million Dollar Group Method Audio Book
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.
Breakdown Of Our $4.8 Million Group Funnel
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.
Group Launch & Revival Templates
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.
Group Economics Calculator
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.
Four Client-Getting Group Case Studies
A digital copy of the #1 best selling book in the world on how to start & grow client-getting groups.

What If The Secret To A Stress-Free Life Has Been Right Under Your Nose?

From: Jake Keen

Dear friend,

Have you ever paused in the rush of life, and taken a moment to truly ponder the immense, unseen weight you're carrying around? This invisible burden we know all too well as 'stress.'

Can you feel it, gnawing away at your peace of mind, leaching the joy out of your most cherished moments, even chipping away at your health?

Have you ever paused in the rush of life, and taken a moment to truly ponder the immense, unseen weight you're carrying around? This invisible burden we know all too well as 'stress.'

Stress has become an unwelcome constant, a relentless shadow that looms large over our lives. But what if I told you it didn't have to be this way.

Listen, it's time we reframed the narrative around stress. What if stress, this relentless adversary, could transform? Could become not a foe, but a friend, a powerful ally? What if the secret to a stress-free life has been under our very noses, and we've been too tangled in its web to see it? Yes, it may seem far-fetched. Almost too good to be true, isn't it?

Picture this: stress no longer as a corrosive presence but an energizing force.

A catalyst, even. Not the destroyer of peace, but a harbinger of personal growth and profound happiness.

A radical perspective, wouldn't you agree?

Yet, it's not some unattainable dream but a tangible reality. The pathway has been laid out, trodden by others who dared to challenge the status quo of stress.

At the heart of this transformative journey, you'll find 'How Hawaiians Are Happy.' This isn't just another self-help book. It's a road map to understanding and befriending stress.

It is not about lofty theories; these pages brim with real-life experiences, time-tested wisdom, and transformative strategies ready to be woven into the fabric of your life.

So, why Hawaiians? What's the secret behind their ever-present smiles, their unhurried strides, their infectious tranquility? It's not just the paradise they live in. Instead, it's the paradigms they live by. The centuries-old wisdom they've harnessed. The art of turning stress from a fearsome beast into a gentle guide. The very wisdom and strategies you will find within these pages.

And the beauty of it? It's not a one-size-fits-all solution.

This book acknowledges the uniqueness of your journey, your stress, and your coping mechanisms. It offers you a bouquet of techniques, habits, and wisdom, allowing you the freedom to choose, to customize, to create your own path to a stress-free existence.

This is the promise 'How Hawaiians Are Happy' holds for you. The question is, are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? To not only manage your stress but turn it into a source of personal growth and happiness?

Imagine a life where stress no longer feels like an uphill battle, but rather a journey that you navigate with skill and grace.

A life where stress is no longer the monster under your bed but becomes your friend, your ally, guiding you towards self-improvement, resilience, and happiness. Isn't this a life you yearn for? A life that offers not just surviving, but thriving?

'How Hawaiians Are Happy' is more than just a book; it is your mentor, your guiding light. It offers you not just a series of 'how-tos,' but a holistic shift in perspective, a new way to experience your world and your place in it. It's about reframing your thoughts, reshaping your habits, and most importantly, redefining your relationship with stress.

Inside its covers, you’ll find pearls of wisdom and practical steps to guide you on your journey. It will hand you the tools to reclaim your peace, your joy, your balance. Your stress won't vanish overnight, of course.

But what if, instead of breaking you, it could break open new pathways to growth, creativity, and joy? That’s the transformation you’re standing on the precipice of.

So, are you ready to dive in? To allow this book to gently, yet firmly, guide you to a stress-free life?

Are you ready to reclaim your happiness, health, and fulfillment?

This is not just about reading a book; this is about embarking on a journey, a journey towards a life you deserve, a life free from the suffocating clutches of stress.

Are you ready to turn the page?

To borrow a phrase from my Hawaiian friends, 'E ala!' It's time to awake, to rise, to begin. So let's take that leap. Let's redefine stress, together. Let's transform your life, one stress-free day at a time.

With resilience and hope,

Jake Keen

How Hawaiians Are Happy

The Art of Living Your Life Stress-Free

If you want the live the stress-free live that you deserve... this book is for you.

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That means you can read the book on pretty much any eReader in the world. iPhone, Android, Nook, Kindle, something else? Yep, I've got you covered!

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Bonus #3:  How Hawaiians Are Happy Audio Book

"Listen To How Hawaiians Are Happy On-The-Go!"

When you get your copy of How Hawaiians Are Happy, I'm going to give you a full audio version that you can start listening to in your car, at the gym, on a walk or anywhere you want.

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of How Hawaiians Are Happy Today! 

Bonus #4: Daily Stress Management Checklist

"Take Action Immediately With Your Own Daily Stress Management Checklist"

Using this one simple checklist you can start start implementing.
Included with your order today is a 60-minute breakdown video, where we break the funnel down step by step & show you how to implement The Million Dollar Group Method in your business. 

Get This For FREE When You Order Your Copy Of How Hawaiians Are Happy Today! 

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Like I mentioned before, you can download your copy of How Hawaiians Are Happy: The Art of Living Your Life Stress-Free today for a one-time only $4.95

And if you'd prefer to listen to the audio version instead, I've included it for FREE as an added bonus. 


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“What's The Catch?” 

No need to rub your eyes. You read it right. There is no catch, no hidden fine print. But there is a challenge. The challenge lies not in a hefty price tag or in any elaborate rituals, but within you.

'How Hawaiians Are Happy' is not a magic potion promising instant results. It is not about waving a wand and your stress dissipates. It’s a journey, and like any journey, it requires your commitment, your openness to change, and your courage to step out of your comfort zone.

This book is about empowering you to change your own life, not about doing it for you. And the only way to do that is to walk the path, explore the strategies and wisdom offered, and embrace the tools that resonate with you.

The 'catch,' if you will, is that the transformation won't happen passively. You'll need to actively engage with the content, apply the insights, and incorporate the habits into your life.

The power of 'How Hawaiians Are Happy' is unlocked not by reading it, but by living it. It's about embracing the journey to a stress-free life and making it your own. Are you ready for it? Are you willing to take that step?

That's the 'catch.' The real question is, are you ready to catch the wave to a stress-free life?

“Time Is Of The Essence...” 

Given the book's transformative potential, it's a steal at this price. But act fast, this won't last

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